Objects created by recording appear as a continuous, unbroken rectangle on the Track. Objects can be created in Samplitude either by importing them or by recording. Through the Object Editor, various controls and effects (Pan, Volume, Invert Phase, Timestretch, Pitchshift, VST plugins, Magix Plugins, etc.) can be applied at the Object level as opposed to being applied at the Track level. If the object is a MIDI object, it will appear as a series of square dots that represent the MIDI notes contained therein. If the object is an Audio object, it will look like a standard graphic of a Wav file. In Samplitude, an "object" is a graphical representation of a piece of audio or MIDI data that appears on a Track in the Arranger window. One of the features that separates Samplitude from other DAWs is the concept of "object-oriented editing". Connect to other multimedia applications with sample accuracy via ReWire.

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